Anna Maria General Store
503 Pine Avenue, Anna Maria, Fl 34216
Phone: 941-779 9200

The Anna Maria General Store has been at 307 Pine Avenue since the 1950's, in the heart of Anna Maria City. Although it's ownership has changed over the years (and there are plenty of stories to tell about them!), we took it over in February 2010 and pledged to serve our community the best we could. Apart from a colorful paint job, we've added home made cakes, healthy foods, craft beers and an extensive range of wines to the world-famous toasted Cuban sandwiches, freshly-brewed Starbucks coffee, newspapers and fishing bait. We also have an enormous cooler with the best selection of cold drinks on the island and an extensive range of groceries, ice-cream, bread and milk. Brian Seymour runs the store, with a great team of locals and a philosophy never to let anyone out of the store without being completely happy!